Sunday, December 1, 2013

Charles Amusements & Bounce House Rentals: Charles Amusements & Bounce House Rentals lands bi...

Charles Amusements & Bounce House Rentals: Charles Amusements & Bounce House Rentals lands bi...: Charles Amusements & Bounce House Rentals has secured a large contract with the L.D.S. church to supply carnival rides and games at se...

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Charles Amusements & Bounce House Rentals: Charles Amusements & Bounce House Rentals lands bi...

Charles Amusements & Bounce House Rentals: Charles Amusements & Bounce House Rentals lands bi...: Charles Amusements & Bounce House Rentals has secured a large contract with the L.D.S. church to supply carnival rides and games at se...

Charles Amusements & Bounce House Rentals lands big contract

Charles Amusements & Bounce House Rentals has secured a large contract with the L.D.S. church to supply carnival rides and games at several events in Arizona Utah and Nevada. The new contract calls for 36 events and is on a 5 year deal. Some events will be as large as most of the county fairs in the listed in the 3 states. Youth conference will be are biggest event with 16 rides at each of the 3 events and a large group to keep happy we will have are hands full but we are very excited for the events.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Charles Amusements & Bounce House Rentals: To the person that hacked into my accounts. I hope...

Charles Amusements & Bounce House Rentals: To the person that hacked into my accounts. I hope...: To the person that hacked into my accounts. I hope its been worth your time. I have closed all the accounts you decided to play with and s...
To the person that hacked into my accounts. I hope its been worth your time. I have closed all the accounts you decided to play with and send emails from. I'm sure there's a place for you in life and I hope you find it.I belive that what you do now may affect the rest of your life the decisions are night and day. Today's choice may forever follow you no way to change it no way to lose it It will always be a reason you might not get that top position. I hope you take this and learn not everybody in this world has a heart or cares get a life get a job grow up act like you should and please stop being a losser. 


Spongebob Squarepants 5-1 Inflatable Bounce House Moonwalk Jumper - Dayt...

Charles Amusements & Bounce House Rentals: Charles Amusements & Bounce House Rentals: The car...

Charles Amusements & Bounce House Rentals: Charles Amusements & Bounce House Rentals: The car...: Charles Amusements & Bounce House Rentals: The carney It's all fun and games and moving on !!... : Likes 2 The Carney life as m...

Charles Amusements & Bounce House Rentals: The carney It's all fun and games and moving on !!...

Charles Amusements & Bounce House Rentals: The carney It's all fun and games and moving on !!...: Likes 2 The Carney life as most people would say bad bad bad. I find myself looking at the lifestyle as its really not that bad. ...

The carney It's all fun and games and moving on !!!!!


The Carney life as most people would say bad bad bad. I find myself looking at the lifestyle as its really not that bad. I get to travel see different things that most people don't see or even know they where there.I also find myself that I have gained alot of knowledge of the Carney lifestyle as the lifestyle is so very different than others . Today is a new day for me as most of the people on the fairgrounds its Sunday last day of the fair rides will be open from 12 to 12 its going to be a long day and to top it all off its going to be hot. Sunday at most fairs is last day to come out get to ride the rides food games fun. Today is no different just cant take different change as the Carney would say its slough day which means if your a ride jock you got a very long day or game person or food your day will not be over till oh lets be nice Monday or Tuesday. Most of the time on Sunday during fair season you'll lose most of your help on slough day. Most of the time people are just tired need more sleep I myself can recall running a ride and taking turns with my helper catching a nap or so before the evening rush.Really it did help if you could get it done. Sunday night falls and your ready to move on down to the next fair. I myself always ready to move on to the next place. The long day and night brings on the sunrise over your back and you always say to yourself this week I'm not going to see the sun come up i stopped saying years ago main reason there's always something to go wrong or slow you up as a rule nobody really should go to bed till the carnival is ready to move on. I have found out that the Carney he or she is a person trying to find there pace in the world most of us on the road traveling from town to town do have a family somewhere but we find that the people we work with everyday there your family on the road people that help you finish your ride or make sure your water hose got picked up a warm cup of coffee one looking after the other that's really hard to find in today's world. In some cases yes after slough we have time to go get a hot shower and a good hot meal before the trucks start firing up and prepare to move on to the next fair.This is when you can really try to rest before getting to the next you find yourself behind the wheel tired from all the work but your excited to get to the next place new faces new town and lots of work ahead.getting to the next fair is always fun and if your lucky you have a person ahead of you that's waiting for you to pull through that gate and put you right on location at this time you might get a little rest.most of the time you get to help drag wire around the fair grounds remember the hard work well think about it 150 feet of heavy wire being pulled and dropped where it needs to be not all rides but most need power to be assemble you look back and you can see the fair coming together again people driving by looking and watching you got your ride back together and now its time to wash clean it up check lights sound system its now 5:00pm you open your ride people are coming in the gate and you feel great smile on your face and the first family kids mom and dad are getting on there full of fun laughing and that brings joy to you and all the hard work has payed off So next time your at the fair and you see the guy walking down the deck of a ride letting people on and off ask yourself could i handle the Carney life The hard work heavy iron lifting putting the rides together being away from your true home or have you found your true home myself I found my true home before i was even out of school I love this life out here as we are one family a Carney family. Caution working for a carnival for a weekend can make you never look back you could be hooked once its in your blood it never leaves once a Carney always a Carney Carney for life old Carney boy Charles The best thing about this job is getting to see that little kid with a stuffed bear and a bag of cotton candy and big smile going home so tired but full of great memories they had fun at the fair its really a wonderful thing watching you go home and i got a carnival in my front yard. Do you have what it takes to be a Carney`So why not come on give it a try you might just like it.

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Thursday, June 27, 2013

Charles Amusements & Bounce House Rentals: America what do we stand for

Charles Amusements & Bounce House Rentals: America what do we stand for: Charles Ridge 2013 Men and Women have died for this great country we live in today. Today as the free country we are The Uni...

Charles Amusements & Bounce House Rentals: America what do we stand for

Charles Amusements & Bounce House Rentals: America what do we stand for: Charles Ridge 2013 Men and Women have died for this great country we live in today. Today as the free country we are The Unit...

Charles Amusements & Bounce House Rentals: America what do we stand for

Charles Amusements & Bounce House Rentals: America what do we stand for: Charles Ridge 2013 Men and Women have died for this great country we live in today. Today as the free country we are The Unit...

Charles Amusements & Bounce House Rentals: Charles Amusements & Bounce House Rentals: America...

Charles Amusements & Bounce House Rentals: Charles Amusements & Bounce House Rentals: America...: Charles Amusements & Bounce House Rentals: America what do we stand for : Charles Ridge 2013 Men and Women have died for thi...

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Charles Amusements & Bounce House Rentals: America what do we stand for

Charles Amusements & Bounce House Rentals: America what do we stand for: Charles Ridge 2013 Men and Women have died for this great country we live in today. Today as the free country we are The Unit...

Charles Amusements & Bounce House Rentals: America what do we stand for

Charles Amusements & Bounce House Rentals: America what do we stand for: Charles Ridge 2013 Men and Women have died for this great country we live in today. Today as the free country we are The Unit...

America what do we stand for

Men and Women have died for this great country we live in today. Today as the free country we are The United States of America we the people cant even get our leaders to agree on simple things. This is why America is sliping away from us. Nobody in Washington has the fucking balls to stand up and say enough is enough lets work as a team. Lets once again come together to form this great nation and put people back to work. America lets build something. Lets build our future our future is what our children will have when we are gone. America is what we stand for home to us because of the men women that fought for this great nation lets keep it. Build America back shes all we got.